Smart Key Unit
- | Refer to the BE group - inspection / self diagnosis with GDS. |
- | Refer to the BE group - inspection / self diagnosis with GDS. |
- | Refer to the BE group - inspection / self diagnosis with GDS. |
1. | Check for continuity between
the Trunk lid open switch terminals.
2. | If continuity is not specified,
inspect the switch
Use high quality ethylene glycol
Your vehicle is delivered with high quality
ethylene glycol coolant in the cooling
system. It is the only type of coolant that
should be used because it helps prevent
corrosion in the cooling ...
Trunk Trim. Repair procedures
Put on gloves to protect
your hands.
Use a pl ...
Transaxle Oil Temperature Sensor. Description and Operation
Transaxle oil temperature sensor monitors the automatic transaxle fluid's temperature
and conveys the readings to TCM. It is an NTC (Negative Thermal Coefficient) sensor
whose res ...